Knowledge Cotton Apparell

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Knowledge Cotton Apparell


Organic Cotton

A hopeful solution to start global cooling
and repairing our damaged planet.

Regenerative Organic clothing is the next step in sustainability. In fact, it goes beyond sustainability. Being a product of regenerative agriculture, it helps restore and replenish the natural environment and contributes to soil health, biodiversity, animal welfare, and fair working conditions for farmers.

Regenerative practices work to maximize carbon fixation in the ground by increasing carbon-rich soil organic matter. This creates a drawdown effect of CO2 from the atmosphere, actually reversing the greenhouse effect.

Using natures own practices, Regenerative Organic farming starts with building a healthy soil:

Organic means no synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, GMO’s or chemical inputs.

Cover crops increase organic matter in soil, reduce soil erosion and sequester carbon.

Compost acts as a natural fertilizer.

Crops are rotated from one year to the next.

Diverse range of crops are planted together to improve soil health, biodiversity and yields. Food crops along with fiber crops contribute to food security of the farming families.

Low-Till farming helps soil retain water, create soil life and store more carbon.

By capturing carbon in soil and above-ground biomass, Regenerative Organic farming aims to reverse global warming. The practices also help avoid deforestation, one of our biggest climate threats, and put an end to desertification and soil degradation.

Resilience to climate instability is another major benefit for the agricultural communities. The holistic regenerative farming practices prioritize soil health while simultaneously ensuring the health and wealth of farmers and high standards of animal welfare.

As of today, we have converted 470 of our cotton farms in Telangana State, Utnoor Mandal, Adilabad in India to the highest organic standard: Regenerative Organic. Our next mission is to, village by village, support another 800 farms in converting to Regenerative Organic cotton farming.

Let’s stop global warming and start global cooling. Together we can repair our damaged planet.



KnowledgeCotton Apparel